This year's summer league is open to boys and girls entering eighth grade through those who have graduated this past year. Our tentative schedule for the 2018 summer league is listed...
June 3rd League Games
June 6th League Games
June 10th League Games
June 13th League Games
June 17th League Games
June 20th League Games
June 24th League Games
June 27th League Games
July 1 - July 3rd at the end of Foundations Soccer Camp
The pickup games will be broken up as evenly as possible and could change throughout the evening.
Tournaments will consist of boys vs boys, girls vs girls, co-ed and age divided competitions to give the kids a good variety of experiences.
If you have any questions, please contact...
Dirk Zollinger
Administrative Director - Foundations Soccer
(319) 430-5621
We want to sign up logan rethwisch - how much does this cost and he may have to miss a couple of games because of baseball. What time do you play soccer